Celebrate Your Child
Parents have a unique perspective outside of the classroom that can help teachers and administrators discover a child’s strengths and individual learning needs. The Celebrate Your Child DVD video and cards have been designed to initiate a dialogue between parents and teachers. Parents can identify key behaviors in their child and share this information with the school to ensure the child receives appropriate services.
The video and one sample set of cards in both English and Spanish were distributed to each elementary campus in Texas. Additional cards can be downloaded in Adobe PDF format from this website. To assemble card sets, print the following files front-to-back and cut each sheet in half to form 10 cards total.

Color Card Download Options
*To assemble booklets, print the files front-to-back, fold in half, and stack with the final page appearing at the top of the stack (this page will form the center of the booklet). Staple through the crease of the fold, creating a saddle-stitch binding.
Characteristic Record
The best way for parents to keep track of their child’s behavior is with a written record that they can share with teachers. It is not important to write down full sentences or ideas, just enough to recall later during parent-teacher conversations. The Characteristic Record for Parents form is provided for parents to use to record their notes.